Crop Services

Fulfilling the needs of tomorrow’s farmers today


Precision Sampling

Experts in providing full analytical soil and leaf testing services

Despite being the foundation of all crop production, soils are often overlooked. Crops will not grow to their full potential unless the soil structure, organic content, fertility, and pH are correct.

Our soil sampling service starts at analysing soil pH to optimise the application of liming materials in a more precise way. The integration of advanced GPS technology lets us assess pH fluctuations across fields, so that liming materials can be administered variably according to pH variation.

Our customers can choose to extend this precision service to sampling for  other critical macro nutrients, typically Phosphate, Potassium, Calcium and Magnesium, enabling the variable application of fertilisers to precisely  correct soil imbalances.

Reducing the size of individual sample areas consequently increases the number of samples taken, and so increases the precision of sampling. We can now pinpoint nutrient variations with much greater accuracy.

Our farming customers now also have the flexibility to adjust the size of these sample grids, tailoring them according to specific needs, whether on a farm-to-farm or even a field-to-field basis.

Only from knowing the true status of nutrients within the soil can we then apply fertilisers in an accurate and cost effective way.

Only applying fertilisers where they are needed ensures we can get the maximum return from these inputs.

Crop Services agronomists are FACTS qualified advisers and offer an extensive soil sampling service.

A superior sampling service

  • Highly detailed grid based system
  • Measure any or all areas of the field
  • The most accurate results possible
  • Tailor grid sizes for specific reports
  • Varied testing for different fields
  • Enabling maximum yield

Popular tests include:

  • PH, P, K, Mg, Ca
  • FLN, TRU, PCN, Club Root
  • Broad Spectrum Trace Elements
  • Organic Matter & Organic Carbon
  • Full Soil Carbon Assessment

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